Science Fiction Club

August 2nd 2019, 20h30 (en Français)

August 8th 2019, 20h30 (in Fren-glish)

In a secret micro-cinema in Hochelaga, more info lower in the page.

Pour voir la même page en Français, cliquez ici.

Denis Villeneuve on the shooting of Blade Runner 2049. He’s working on the next remake of Dune, announced for November 2020. Will he succeed to understand the New Age Sci-Fi of Frank Herbert?

We are numerous, but nobody knows!
Many people like you love science fiction and meeting intelligent people sharing their enthusiasm. This club is the perfect place to share your love of SF, to have stimulating discussions and to enlarge the list of books and films you still need to see and read. I am a friendly geek doing research about Science Fiction and its Golden Age of the pulps era. At every meeting, I will prepare:

  • news and excerpts from what is currently going on in SF
  • short presentations authors, movements, SF history, etc
  • one vintage SF artefact to watch and understand together
  • discussions about SF topics
  • discussion about scientific and philosophic subjects surrounding SF
  • a vote to decide of an SF object to be watched completely (film, reading of a text, audio recording, etc).

At the August 2019 meeting:
– news from the shoot of Dune 2020
New Age Sci-Fi: will Denis Villeneuve and Legendary understand?
Wandering Earth by Cixin Liu: the movie vs. the short stories
Love, Death and Robots vs. High Life: symptoms of the polarisation of the current panorama of SF?
– SF artefact: the first printing of the 3 Laws of Robotics by Isaac Asimov

« Astounding » is the splendid magazine of John W. Campbell, who installed science fiction as a respectable litterary genre. I collect this kind of pulp fiction…

These meetings are private events.  By purchasing a ticket, you become member of a private club for one night.  This first meeting will be held in a secret micro-cinema of less than 20 seats. The location will be revealed by email the day of the event.  It’s in Hochelaga.

By preparing a short presentation or a discussion subject, you will be invited at no charge. Contact me.

Bring your own booze.
It is forbidden to smoke in the cinema.  A little garden where smoking is allowed will be available.


August 2nd 2019, 20h30 (en Français)

August 8th 2019, 20h30 (in Fren-glish)

How much?

Free if you contact me and prepare a short presentation.
Free for people under 18, Ewoks and droids.
10$ online, via the PayPal buttons above
Follow the instructions to pay with a credit card, you will receive an email confirming your one-night membership and all explanations.
20$ at the door.  Contact me.

In a pop-up private micro-cinema in Hochelaga.
The precise location will be revealed by email the night of the meeting.
Easily accessible by public transport and Holtzman-Effect ships.

To come:
1) buy a ticket via the PayPal buttons next to the dates
1) contact-me
2) you will receive info about the precise location the night of the meeting
3) you come and you pay at the door (20$)

For the fun of meeting other science fiction enthusiasts, to have interesting discussions, to discover less-well-known corners of SF culture.
For enthusiasts of all ages, free for people under 18

Artistic interpretation of a passage of Children of Dune, by Frank Herbert.
Visual artist: Angelitoon